When do you need pipe lining?

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We are all dependent on efficient plumbing systems. But water and sewerage pipes are not invisible; they are at risk of developing cracks and other detriments to their structural integrity. If unchecked, damaged pipes can severely hinder the optimal functioning of any business or home. This leads to the question; How can I repair my broken pipes? When we think of underground pipe repair, we often picture plumbing contractors digging up pipes in the middle of the street. But with pipelining technology, this ‘plumbing nightmare’ is not necessary.

Although there are other possible techniques to repair damaged pipes such as tunneling, experts at Kwik Plumbing recommend pipe lining due to its numerous advantages. One such method is cured-in-place-piping, which utilizes advanced robotic equipment to inspect the inner diameter of a pipe is efficient for underground pipe repair. Learning the factors that necessitate pipelining and the signs of damaged pipes are significant to mitigate the risk of losses due to damaged pipes.

When is Pipe Lining Necessary?

Most plumbing pipes are designed from iron, copper, or PVC. Although these materials are relatively durable (lasting for decades), they cannot last forever. They are susceptible to damage from accidents, interaction with natural elements, and improper care. Eventually, they will need to be reinforced to enhance their integrity or repair damage. But when do we know that its time to consider pipelining

Corroded Pipes

Corrosion affects all types of pipes due to a variety of factors that may accelerate its rate. A pH imbalance or minerals in hard water may slowly take their toll on your pipes, weakening them with time. Moreover, there are other contaminants in water such as formaldehyde and chlorine particles that can speed up the rate of corrosion in water and sewerage pipes. Regarding iron pipes (relatively common in plumbing), interaction with water leads to the formation of iron oxide (rust), which may clog or weaken the structure of the pipe. This gradual damage may add up over time and lead to leaching of contaminants into the pipes or water leakage. After determining the damage caused by corrosion, the next step is to consult your favorite plumber and consider cure-in-place-piping as a viable solution. Besides, field studies show that lined pipes are stronger and more durable than conventional PVC or iron cast pipes.

Plant Damage

As much as plants are integral to the ecosystem, they may also damage your water pipes and thus necessitate pipelining. In their natural search for water, tree roots may find themselves inside your underground pipes. If left unchecked, the roots may grow out of control and compromise the structural integrity of the sewerage and water pipes, which may lead to biohazardous contamination of the surrounding area and leakage of water respectively. As shown in a hands-on video by Kwik Plumbers, a pipelining intervention will use advanced robotic technology to scan the pipes, determine the level of damage by the roots, clean the pipes, and finally apply polyester resin to seal the cracks.

Extreme Weather Conditions

Low temperatures that characterize winter may cause severe problems for the plumbing systems. This is especially relevant for water pipes that are less than four feet deep. The contraction of the water pipes leads to a build-up of pressure. As the pressure attempts to escape, it may result in cracks or breaks in the pipes. When this happens, its time to consider non-invasive and trenchless pipe repair through pipelining.

Shifting Soil

When underground pipes are laid down, it often assumed that the soil status would remain constant for the foreseeable future. However, a variety of factors such as erosion or even tunnels dug by rodents can cause changes in subterranean conditions. If the soil shift is severe, it can lead to distortion of the pipe or bellying (dip in the line). In extreme cases, this dip may cause a pipe to burst, and consequently necessitate underground pipe repair.

Water Pressure Issues

If the water pressure is significantly higher than your pipes can accommodate, it can lead to a ruptured or burst pipe. The changes in water pressure may be as a result of replaced cutoff switches or pressure gauges. In addition to applying a cast-in-place-piping method to repair the damaged underground pipes, it is prudent consult a plumber to investigate your pipes, determine the cause of the pressure issues, and install a pressure valve to regulate the pressure in your pipelines.

What are the red flags?

It is not logical to consider underground pipe repair without first identifying the signs of damaged pipes. The following signs often indicate a crack in the water and sewerage systems:

  • Mold- Humidity due to water and sewer leakage encourages the growth of mold.
  • Odor- If you pick up a sewer odor, it’s likely a direct sign that one of your pipes is broken.
  • Blocked Sewer Lines or Reduced Drain Speed- Backups in the sewerage system can be due to cracks or channeling in the plumbing system.
  • Indentation of Lawns- Leaking water or sewerage from damaged pipes may dissipate the soil and lead to uneven lawns.
  • Rodents and Insects – A cracked pipe might offer rodents and insects direct access into your home.

A detailed description of these signs can be obtained from an informative article by Kwik Plumbers.


It is necessary to have pipelining done in situations involving damage due to corrosion, plant damage, extreme weather, soil shifts, and water pressure issues. Cast-in-place-piping is a highly recommend, efficient, fast, and cost-effective method for underground pipe repair. Although this pipelining is relatively cheaper and faster, it is a delicate process that requires the touch of a credible plumber. Here at Kwik Plumber, we will cater for all you professional pipe lining requirements. However, it is essential to note that the best cause of action can only be determined after an inspection of the specific pipe characteristics. Contact us and let the pipelining experts fix your pipes and minimize unnecessary mess or damage.

Contact Us for Your Plumbing Needs

For more information about our services or to obtain an estimate, reach out to us at Kwik Plumbers today. Feel free to call our team or fill out the form for an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you.

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